Schoon, Alette. Steps by steps: the making of the Steps for the Future documentary series, likka Vehkalathi and Don Edkins: book review. 2009.
Hits: 462
Visitors: 514
Downloads: 67
Schoon, Alette. Dragging young people down the drain: the mobile phone, gossip mobile website Outoilet and the creation of a mobile ghetto. 2012.
Hits: 1823
Visitors: 1838
Downloads: 74
Schoon, Alette. Vulindela!: opening the gates of journalism. 2012.
Hits: 467
Visitors: 536
Downloads: 71
Schoon, Alette. Having a phone, having style:. 2012.
Hits: 376
Visitors: 413
Downloads: 50
de Lanerolle, Indra, Schoon, Alette, Walton, Marion. Researching mobile phones in the everyday life of the “less connected”: the development of a New Diary Method. 2020.